Its New Year. 2012 has just begun. A time for looking back and reviewing. This list has taken a back seat in 2011 as I concentrated on the most important thing, moving to Hull. Which wasn't on the list! I've lacked time for some things, and I definitely lacked money. The move itself cost a lot, and there wasn't money spare for the holidays and some of the adventures I wanted to do. The last blog post is from August 2011, I moved in September which says it all really!
With 15 months to go, a review of the list shows that I won't be able to complete everything. Just two examples, I (obviously) dropped Brownies in Tunbridge Wells, and needing some time off from church obligations, I haven't joined a pack here. So qualifying as a Guider isn't going to happen. Also the couple I planned to visit in Texas are no longer both there, so that won't happen.
Therefore, I am changing item number 101 which says "Prepare the next list...." to "Donate £5 to charity for each incomplete task".
When I was researching lists to see what were popular or classic tasks, a lot of people finished with renewing the list. I must admit, it was never my intention to try something on this scale again! I didn't know what sort of 101 I would do, but it was always going to be a smaller scale!
Many people started their lists more realistically than me, knowing in advance they might not be able to do everything. And so they include the "donate £X to charity for each incomplete task". So I am doing this, to encourage me to keep going and try and do as much as possible, but hopefully take the pressure off and stop me worrying that some things just can't happen.
So, here is a re-commitment that I want to keep going with the list. There loads here I still want to do and I've got some exciting stuff planned already for January! We've done a task just this morning (post to follow later, the photos need editing) and another task is booked for later in the month. I'll try and do better with my reporting!
Happy New Year :) xx