The sunset over Bowles rocks yesterday evening. The colours were more spectacular in real life, my photo taking has let it down.
So item no.52 on my list is to climb a grade 5 route. Climbers reading this may notice I have been deliberately vague :)
I haven't specified indoors or outdoors. I haven't specified grade 5a, 5b or 5c (they get progressively harder, after 5c it goes to 6a). I haven't specified if I have to climb it in one go, if I slip off, but then go back to the same point and climb it again, or rest on the rope does that count?
Basically the answer is I havent decided yet! To complete, in any shape or form, a 5a/b/c wil be such an achievement and show a marked improvement since I started climbing nearly a year and a half ago. And thats really what this item is about. To get better.
Yesterday, I made a very good attempt at a grade 5a at Harrisons. I fell off, but re-did the move and carried on. Unfortunately I also couldnt quite get over the top. I was so tired from the effort of getting there, and also for the last push there is only one point of contact. You have one good foot hold but there is nowhere for the other foot and nothing except flat rock to balance your hands against...
It has reminded me I need to BMF properly to increase my overall strength and fitness again.